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(ISBN 9781536 976076)


On their way to the Church Youth Club, one Friday evening, June, Helen and Tim see Jesus sitting on a park bench. He speaks to them and asks them to deliver a message to their priest.

The three children tell the priest and their parents. News soon spreads throughout town. There has been an Apparition in the park.

People react to this differently. Some believe. Others mock. Whilst some behave violently.

The Church tries to hush the story down, whilst the priest has a crisis of Faith.

Meanwhile, Jesus appears to the children again and again ...

This is a challenging Christian book you must not miss. A vibrant tale of supernatural events with strong believable characters and a fast-paced exciting storyline. 

The author skilfully combines humour with suspense to deliver a Christian message relevant to today's society.

This book will keep you guessing what happens next.

 VISIONS is available from AMAZON and all good booksellers.

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"MAN AND GOD" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak MAN AND GOD ISBN-13 : 979-8566100388 An easy to read no-nonsense book exploring the many questions we may have asked about God and our role as His creations. Questions like: Who is God? Jesus? The Holy Spirit? Does He really care for us and love us? If so, why do we suffer? Why are so many bad things happening in the world? Is God really in control? Does He answer prayers and perform miracles? Who are Angels and devils? What is sin? These and other topics are discussed in a relaxed simple style. “Man And God” will make you think about life, about yourself, why God has created you, and your role in this life … and the next. Suitable for anyone wishing to learn more about Christianity, or for those who may have perhaps wandered from the faith and wish to discover more about themselves in relation to God. Same price as a cup of coffee - This book could change your life. BUY IT FROM AMAZON

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"HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN ... OR YOUR MONEY BACK" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN … OR YOUR MONEY BACK By Victor S E Moubarak Are you intrigued by the title of this book? You shouldn’t be. It’s true and it guarantees that if you follow its instructions you will get to Heaven; or else we will refund you the price of the book. Be sure to keep a receipt as proof of purchase! (Although you won’t need it.) This book doesn’t cost much, so you’re not risking a fortune by buying it. But you are certainly risking a lot by ignoring it. Can you afford to? It could well save your eternity.

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"APPOINTMENT WITH MURDER" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak APPOINTMENT WITH MURDER ISBN: 9798334829428 by Victor S E Moubarak An intriguing whodunit with many twists and turns featuring the amiable Father Ignatius and his colleague Father Donald. A smoking gun has been found and its owner identified, but why would someone commit such a daring murder and what is the motive behind it all? In this book, the eighth stand-alone novel in the series of Father Ignatius books, we find the two priests drawn away from their clerical duties and becoming un-willing detectives trying to solve a crime well beyond their capabilities. Their motivation may be well-intentioned but their implementation is far from ideal, as they stumble over clues and putting themselves and their friends in real danger in the midst of gang-warfare. However, their encounter with crime and murder does not deflect their mind from their duties as priests and their responsibilities to their parishioners. Once again, we meet the amiable Father Ignatius and see him in a new light as an individual as well as a priest; together with his colleague Father Donald and their friend Theodore Luxton-Joyce in a new adventure which is sure to delight their many fans and readers old and new. Other Father Ignatius novels in chronological order; although they can be read in any order as stand-alone stories: Visions, The Priest and Prostitute, To Love a Priest, Don’t let the devil win, Murder in the Monastery, A Shot in the Park, and Living the Word. Books available in paperback and Kindle from AMAZON and all good book sellers.

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"LIVING THE WORD" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak Living the Word ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8324642266 “Living the Word” means being Jesus Christ to someone every day. To pray that God may send us someone who needs our help. Whether it is someone in great hardship, illness or difficulties, someone in despair and hopelessness, someone grieving or all alone; our responsibility in Christ is to be there for them. To help, to advise, or just to be a shoulder to cry on and a listening heart sharing in their hour of need. This book follows in the footsteps of Father Ignatius and is the seventh stand-alone novel in the series, as well as an addition to the other Father Ignatius short stories selections. “Living the Word” sees Father Ignatius as teacher, advisor, counsellor, as well as victim of circumstances and the subject of gossip from the public and within his own congregation. Yet despite all his trials and suffering he continues to trust in God and to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This novel combines a thought-provoking story line with your favourite life-like characters, and also tries to answer serious theological questions which must have crossed your mind at some time or other. When you read "Living the Word" you will find you'll put yourself in Father Ignatius' place and wonder how you would have behaved in those circumstances. You will consider whether he did the right thing or not; and would you have acted any differently. Often the Lord allows us to be in certain situations, perhaps so that we might learn from them, or to test our reactions and behaviour. Whatever His reasons, we should be assured of His continuous love and protection AVAILABLE FROM FROM AMAZON IN PAPERBACK AND KINDLE FORMATS.

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"HERE I AM, LORD" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak HERE I AM, LORD ISBN: 9798868253072 A delightful selection of short stories featuring the amiable Father Ignatius in his daily tasks serving his congregation and following in Christ’s footsteps. Each story contains a message to help you reflect on your Christian journey and your daily prayers. You can read the stories in chronological order or at random, each being a stand-alone vignette to treasure time and again. Written in the author’s inimitable style the characters come alive as real people you would like to meet and get to know in your life. This book is an ideal gift to yourself or to a loved one. The stories and the characters remain fresh to be enjoyed many times over. Add it to your collection of other Father Ignatius books by the same author. AVAILABLE FROM FROM AMAZON IN PAPERBACK AND KINDLE FORMATS.

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"SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8859440399 Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles strive after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. (Matthew 6:31-33) It is understandable that in a busy and ever-changing world demanding so much of our time, our attention and our resources, that we tend to lose focus and concentrate so much on life in the here-and-now rather than reflect on our spiritual life and its future into eternity. With the waning of spirituality people turn their attention to materialistic things, possessions, instant gratification and pleasure; because their concentration and focus is on the present rather than a spiritual future which they might not believe in. This book may not change your life. It is not meant to. Not by itself. But hopefully it will make you stop and think where your life is going. Where is it heading. What is your focus in life? It is right and prudent to be responsible and to use one’s talents to improve our lot and that of our loved ones. We all have personal responsibilities towards ourselves and others. But that should not be our only focus in life. “Keep your mind set on the things that are in Heaven, not on things here on earth.” (Colossians 3). TOPICS DISCUSSED: Peace. Forgiveness. Fear of God. Need for Prayer. Who will be saved. A selfish God. Does your faith measure up. These and many more are discussed in a clear and easy to read style to make you think and ... make your own mind up.

A book you'll refer to time and again.

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"SEARCHING FOR GOD" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak SEARCHING FOR GOD ISBN 979 8804 555222 An easy to read, step-by-step journey in search for the living Creator God. Whether you are already a believer or not, this book will help you meditate and reflect on what you truly believe, and on what you base those beliefs, and why. The book will be of particular interest to those enquiring about their role and mission in life and how it fits in with the will of God. Why did God create us and create the Universe? What is the purpose of life here on earth? Is there really another life after death? Why and where is it and who is destined to go there for eternity? This book is particularly suitable for anyone exploring Christianity, or for those people who are not sure about their faith and what to believe. Available from AMAZON

Start your search with this book.

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"A DAILY WALK WITH CHRIST" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak A DAILY WALK WITH CHRIST - ISBN: 9798363119262 A series of short stories featuring the amiable Father Ignatius tending to his flock as he walks daily in Christ's footsteps. Faced with the many problems and difficulties of his congregation, the kind priest carefully dispenses practical advice with humility, compassion and love for his people. Imitating the Lord Jesus as best he can. You can read the stories in chronological order or open the book at any page and read the tale that presents itself there. Available from AMAZON in Paperback and KINDLE versions.

We hope you'll enjoy these delightful tales of Father Ignatius.

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"TIME FOR REFLECTIONS" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak TIME FOR REFLECTIONS ISBN: 9798782135638 This book may not change your life but it will certainly make you think about yourself, who you are, and why you have been put on this earth. It will make you analyse your Christian beliefs, whatever they are, and it will make you consider on what you base your views and opinions. What does God really expect from you in this life in preparation for the next one? Now is the Time For Reflections. Perhaps an opportunity to change your ways before it is too late. Available from AMAZON in Paperback and Kindle versions.

Don't miss this book written for today!.

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"21st CENTURY PARABLES" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak 21st CENTURY PARABLES ISBN: 979-8589247084 A selection of parables as spoken by Jesus Christ when He walked this earth; up-dated into a modern context and setting. Have we changed at all since those early days, or are we the same people Jesus taught all those years ago? This book will help you examine your conscience and hopefully bring you closer to God’s love and caring. Available from AMAZON in Paperback and Kindle versions.

Don't miss these parables written in a modern context!.

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"DON'T LET THE DEVIL WIN!" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak DON’T LET THE DEVIL WIN ISBN-13: 979-8628750476 The closer we come to God and the more we love Him, the more the devil fights to derail us and to tempt us away from our Faith. He tried this with Jesus several times, so we should not be much of a match for him. Prayers are always the answer to such onslaughts. In this book about Father Ignatius we witness the devil tempting and tormenting him time and again; even resorting to physical and mental pain to the much loved priest. The battle between Father Ignatius and the devil is one we may have experienced in our own lives as we too became prey to his evil wiles. DON’T LET THE DEVIL WIN takes you through a journey often reaching breaking point, and yet affirming that God is always by our side. Only a prayer away. This book is full of advice on how to react when confronted with difficult seemingly insurmountable situations in life. Available from AMAZON

Don't let the devil win in your life.

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"MURDER IN THE MONASTERY" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak MURDER IN THE MONASTERY - ISBN 9 798522 532413 A priest is found dead in a secluded monastery in suspicious circumstances. Anyone of the monks there could have been the killer since few of them have a good alibi and some may have a good motive to wish the elderly priest dead. What is the secret which caused the death of an old priest in his eighties? What was he hiding from his past? Who is the mystery man seen lurking in the priory gardens? Why did Father Stefan act suspiciously? Is this death a solitary act or is someone else also in danger? A story of suspense and intrigue which will keep you guessing till the end. This is the fifth book in the series featuring Father Ignatius. Other books by the same author in order of publication are: VISIONS, THE PRIEST AND PROSTITUTE, TO LOVE A PRIEST, DON’T LET THE DEVIL WIN. Available in Paperback and KINDLE version from AMAZON

This book will keep you guessing at what truly happened.

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"A SHOT IN THE PARK" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak A SHOT IN THE PARK - ISBN 979 8402 9636 10 A gunshot is heard in the park opposite Saint Vincent Church. Is Father Ignatius the victim of this attack or the perpetrator of this heinous crime? What was he doing in the park at a time he was due to hear Confessions in church? Was he meeting someone? Is he involved, once again, with the criminal fraternity? Is this the end for our much loved and respected priest? The latest novel in the series about Father Ignatius is a fast-paced and intriguing story with a credible plot line and characters which will keep you guessing at every turn. This is the sixth novel in the Father Ignatius series. Others, in order of publication are: VISIONS, THE PRIEST AND PROSTITUTE, TO LOVE A PRIEST, DON'T LET THE DEVIL WIN, MURDER IN THE MONASTERY and now A SHOT IN THE PARK. Each book is a stand-alone novel. Available in Paperback and KINDLE version from AMAZON

A murder mystery for you to solve.

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"IN HIS SERVICE" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak IN HIS SERVICE ISBN-13: 979-8696 585475 A delightful selection of short stories featuring Father Ignatius; the main character in the books “Visions”, “The Priest and Prostitute”, “To Love a Priest”, “Don’t Let The Devil Win!” and many others by the same author. You can read the stories in chronological order or just open at any page and enjoy a daily adventure with the kind and caring priest. Each story is a stand-alone vignette. In this book we see Father Ignatius dealing with numerous situations in his daily life as a priest with compassion, with love and with understanding. Always there for his parishioners. Always following in his Master’s footsteps. Always In His Service. Available from AMAZON

Another selection of short stories about Father Ignatius in the service of God.

"Paperback and Kindle versions of "IN HIS SERVICE;" available now . Just click HERE please.





"A COLLECTION OF SILLY" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak A COLLECTION OF SILLY ISBN 979 8728 950202 A COLLECTION OF SILLY is just that. An assortment of anecdotes and short stories gathered from here and there in my memory with a view to entertaining, informing and bringing a smile to one’s face. A bit like a box of chocolates with different flavours and shapes but each one as tempting as the other. The world needs cheering up right now and we hope that this variety of silly will go some way to making you feel a little better. Sit back, relax and enjoy. Available from AMAZON

Don't miss this book and laugh yourself silly.

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"CAMELOT - THE ALTERNATIVE LEGEND" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak CAMELOT - THE ALTRENATIVE LEGEND ISBN:979-8669623319 Read all about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and the wizard Merlin as they share their adventures of times gone by so long ago. Marvel at events that happened then and re-live those magical times in Camelot when chivalry and courtesy reigned supreme and Knights helped old ladies across the road whether they wanted to cross or not. Bravery, honour, loyalty and valour were words that would have been in their every day dictionary had dictionaries been invented back then. Enjoy the stories of Camelot brought to you by eye-witnesses who were not there at the time but have heard the tales from other eye-witnesses who were not there either. Wonder about the many exciting adventures of this great legendary period as the stories have been told and re-told time and again with every generation's imaginations adding to the thrill and beauty that is Camelot. Was King Arthur as wise as he is portrayed? Did he gain his wisdom by fair means or by magic and sorcery? Did the people of Camelot care one jot? Did Camelot have any camels or not? Was Merlin a wise wizard or not? These and other questions will be asked but not answered in this entertaining and humourous book which leaves you enchanted, enthralled and whatever else you wish to feel. See the Kingdom of Camelot with King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table and with Merlin the Wizard in a totally new light as never seen before. This book, CAMELOT THE ALTERNATIVE LEGEND, tells the story as it has never been told before. Available from AMAZON

Read about a Camelot you never knew before.

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"LAUGH N PRAY" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak Laugh N Pray This book is packed with funny stories, humourous tales, anecdotes, jokes, poems as well as more serious articles about Christianity and God. Laugh N Pray can be read in chronological order, or you can just open any page at random and savour whatever offerings it contains. Whilst some page turners will make you smile, others will hopefully make you think about life, about yourself, why you have been created by God and your role here on earth. Here are readings which will help you reflect and meditate when praying or in need of inspiration.

Don't miss this book.

"Paperback and Kindle versions of "LAUGH N PRAY;" available now . Just click HERE please.



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"A CUP OF HUMOUR" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak Sit back and relax with A CUP OF HUMOUR in hand. Life is too serious to be taken seriously. And seriousness makes you frown and have lines all over your face. Wrinkles that make you look older than you really are. But with humour you smile more often or giggle, or even laugh out loud. Such joviality makes you look happy and fights the signs of aging and wrinkles. I knew an old lady once who always laughed at anything. Despite her age, the only wrinkle she had was the one she was sitting on. So if you want to look young and feel happy, sit back and relax with A Cup Of Humour. It will make you feel better.

Enjoy this CUP OF HUMOUR.

"Paperback and Kindle versions of "A CUP OF HUMOUR;" available now . Just click HERE please.


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"THE CASE OF THE MYSTERY CRIME" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak THE CASE OF THE MYSTERY CRIME A delightful whodunit mystery adventure story dotted with humour and seriousness as one clue leads to another in search for even more clues and cliff-hangers. The reader is kept guessing as to what is happening and who made it happen and why. It is a race between you, the reader, and the author as to who will reach the end of the book first and solve this series of mysteries amounting to a collection of crimes. Will you solve The Case Of The Mystery Crime before the author does? Give it a try … and enjoy!

Read this book and solve the crime.

"Paperback and Kindle versions of "The Case of the Mystery Crime;" available now . Just click HERE please.


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"THE PRIEST AND PROSTITUTE" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak ISBN-10: 150106570X ISBN-13: 978-1501065705 When Father Ignatius is suspected of murder his whole life is turned upside down. His faith takes a real shaking as he tries in vain to plead his innocence. The Church is shaken to its very foundations and his parishioners jump to as many conclusions as they can find and start judging without any facts or evidence. This is the time for the priest to find out who his real friends are. Or are they keeping close to him for ulterior motives? “THE PRIEST AND PROSTITUTE” is a fast-paced story with believable characters and situations. A realistic self-test as to one’s faith and beliefs, as well as the ability to stay focussed on God when it seems He has abandoned you. The author skilfully combines humour with suspense to deliver a Christian message relevant to today's society.

Don't miss this book full of intrigue and mystery.

"Paperback and Kindle versions of "THE PRIEST AND PROSTITUTE"" available now . Just click HERE please.


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"TO LOVE A PRIEST" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak ISBN-13: 978-1505 908558 When Father Ignatius’ past catches up with him there is no way to escape the consequences for him and those around him. He must face facts regardless of how seriously they could affect his vocation as a priest. “TO LOVE A PRIEST” is the most controversial book in the Father Ignatius series and deals with questions on many peoples’ mind as yet unresolved by the Church. A gripping story of conflict between conscience and dogma, treating a delicate subject with compassion and forgiveness. Other books in the series are “VISIONS”, “THE PRIEST AND PROSTITUTE” and “GOD’S SHEPHERD”.

This book will make you think.

"Paperback and Kindle versions of "TO LOVE A PRIEST"" available now . Just click HERE please.

TAKE CARE OF MY SHEEP A priest’s life is not always mundane and pedestrian doing the same thing day in day out. His main responsibility is to take care of Christ’s sheep; the many people who throughout life are brought into his care as God’s servant and shepherd. There are times when unexpected events turn Father Ignatius’ day upside down and send him to unexpected activities he did not plan; all for the sake of his parishioners and all those he gets to meet in his vocation as a priest. This book is a collection of short stories in the life of a humble man trying his best to follow in his Master’s footsteps.

Paperback and Kindle versions of “TAKE CARE OF MY SHEEP” available from HERE.



 When a heavy storm and subsequent flooding cut off Status Manor from the rest of the world the hosts of a weekend gathering and their guests are trapped in what turns out to be a murder mystery situation like they’ve never experienced before.

This tale has all the ingredients you’d expect – believable characters including a beautiful vulnerable young woman, a hapless hero, danger at every corner, a missing backgammon disc, an unexpected attack, visit to the dead, a shower scene, a bloody knife, a body, a threatening note and nocturnal goings-on. Oh … and a good serving of humour too.

What else do you want from a good read?

This book is worth a buy. I did not write it for nothing, you know! Paperback and Kindle versions of “MYSTERY AT STATUS MANOR” available now. CLICK HERE.

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"SPEAKING FROM MY SOCK" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak ISBN-978-1987 722802 So … why call this book “Speaking from my sock”?

It’s simple really. You see, I am a very shy kind of person and find it difficult starting conversations, or keeping up with conversations, for that matter. It’s not just the starting bit, but the continuation too which is a problem with me. Ending a conversation is much easier though. I just stop talking. Years ago, when I was a child, my parents made me a sock puppet from an old sock. And the rest is history. I have not stopped talking since. At least the sock puppet hasn’t.

The other day for instance, I had reason to phone for a plumber. Easily done on the phone. But when he turned up I became very shy again. So I put on the sock puppet and all went well … “Hello Mr Plumber,” said the sock, “how good of you to come over so quickly within a fortnight. Please excuse my silent friend with his hand up my rear. He doesn’t speak much. But he told me to tell you that our sink is blocked. We think another sock somehow got down the plug hole!”

And there you have it. A new book written by me with the help of my sock puppet. Thank you for buying it and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as the sock enjoyed writing it.

This book is a collection of short humourous stories and anecdotes, some heard here and there over the years, others originating from the deep recesses of my mind.

Don't miss this sock ... sorry ... book. Buy it now and start smiling.

"Paperback and Kindle versions of "SPEAKING FROM MY SOCK"" available now . Just click HERE please.



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"MUCH ADO ABOUT LAUGHTER" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak ISBN-978-1544 238951 They say when life serves you lemons, make lemonade. And when it serves you melons don’t be melancholy because a collie is a dog, and as Groucho Marx said, outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend, and inside of a dog it’s too dark to read. Which is a completely different kettle of fish. On the other hand you’d probably be opening a can of worms, and on the other other hand … Hey wait a minute. How many hands have you got? I have a Royal Flush in one hand and five Aces in the other.

This is a book of short humourous stories and anecdotes, some heard here and there over the years, others originating from the deep recesses of my mind. Already published on my Blog, they have been selected by me and my loyal readers as amongst our favourites to hopefully make you smile when life is dark and miserable, or even when a bright light shines inside your dog.

My English teacher always said never split an infinitive. So he will not be happy with “to hopefully make you smile”; but then, he never smiled either, and he did not write a book like this did he? He also told me once “Your grammar stinks!” Which was very hurtful I think, especially since my grandma always smelled of lavender perfume and eau de cologne.

Why do I write humourous books? Well, I do so in the hope that readers also venture to read my Christian books too and get to experience the love of God. So please give it a try and read my Christian writings. Some are available here for FREE. Anyway, thank you for buying MUCH ADO ABOUT LAUGHTER. Sit down, relax and get ready to smile.

Much ado about laughter and little ado about Shakespeare in this book.

"Paperback and Kindle versions of "MUCH ADO ABOUT LAUGHTER"" available now . Just click HERE please.


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"CHRISTIAN REFLECTIONS, REFLECTIONS FOR THE SOUL & MORE REFLECTIONS FOR THE SOUL" Paperback and Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak ISBN-13: 978-1514 851210 and ISBN: 978-1540 661630 A selection of readings to help you reflect and meditate when praying or when in need of inspiration. You can read the reflections in chronological order or just open the book at any page and read what is there. Hopefully, it will help you in your prayers. These books asks pertinent questions such as: Does God exist? Who is Jesus? What is the Holy Spirit? These and many other questions are explored and explained in simple terms we can understand. The author uses humour where appropriate to help deliver a memorable message. You may find a hidden gem in what he writes.

Don't miss these books of reflections.

"Paperback and Kindle versions of "CHRISTIAN REFLECTIONS, REFLECTIONS FOR THE SOUL & MORE REFLECTIONS FOR THE SOUL"" available now . Just click HERE please.



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"GOD'S SHEPHERD" Paperback version only. By Victor S E Moubarak ISBN-10: 1500683957 and ISBN-13: 978-1500683955 Father Ignatius, the Parish priest at St Vincent Church is an amiable soul whose kind and jovial personality is well loved and appreciated by his parishioners and all those who know him. His is not a nine-to-five job where he can get home on time for his evening meal and a good evening watching TV, or playing golf. He is always “on-call” so to speak having to attend to his flock when in trouble and difficulties, or having to go to hospital at all hours of day and night when someone is gravely ill. “GOD’S SHEPHERD” is a collection of short stories specially selected by the author as amongst his favorites. They tell of the day to day adventures of a gentle pious priest with a gift of dispensing good advice and wise lessons to a troubled world.

We hope you enjoy these inspiring short stories.

"Paperback version of "GOD'S SHEPHERD"" available now . Just click HERE please.


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"AS I QUOTE MYSELF" Paperback & Kindle version only. By Victor S E Moubarak ISBN: 978 151 697 8250 AS I QUOTE MYSELF is not a biography of a famous celebrity, or other well known personality telling you how they made it good from extreme poverty to being as successful as they are today. Instead, these are the memoirs of someone you’ve probably never heard of, (unless you’re related to him), but yet with a story to tell. Follow his misadventures and mishaps as he stumbles through life from one crazy story to another. Imagine him sitting on a rocking chair, a mug of hot chocolate in one hand and a biscuit in the other, relating what he can still remember in a haphazard and non-chronological order. Just like any other conversation really. One thought triggers another and each competing for a modicum of veracity and a pinch of authenticity. A series of calamities and misfortunes with humourous outcomes which are sure to make you smile, if not laugh out loud. At least that’s what he hopes! AS I QUOTE MYSELF are the memoirs of no one in particular except the one from whose memories they originate. ADVISORY NOTES: Not suitable for reading in the dark or in the rain. Flammable - Made of paper. Keep away from naked flame. Both you and the book. Not water-proof. Can be read in the bath or shower with Care. As long as Care doesn't mind being with you. Not edible. May contain nuts if read whilst eating a peanut butter sandwich or similar nut products. This book is for people with a sense of humour who love to laugh! Modestly priced to spread the smiles further and encourage you to buy.

AUTHOR'S SPECIAL MESSAGE: If you enjoy this book half as much as I enjoyed writing it; then I will have enjoyed it twice as much as you have.

"Paperback & Kindle versions of "AS I QUOTE MYSELF"" available now . Just click HERE please.


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"THE SOUP WAVED AT ME!" “The soup waved at me!” is a unique book in many respects. It is a collection of amusing short stories aimed at making you smile, laugh, or knock your socks off – the choice is yours. The book is unique in that it has been written slowly to help readers who cannot read fast. It also contains a generous portion of punctuations to enable readers to stop and take a rest in long sentences. I have also introduced the never used before double comma which looks like this ,, and allows you to stop reading a little longer and take a rest. “The soup waved at me!” can be equally enjoyed whilst lying comfortably in a hot bubble bath listening to your favourite music, or standing in a warm shower holding your electronic tablet in your hand. Assuming of course that it is waterproof – the tablet, not your hand. So sit back, or stand up, relax, and be prepared for an experience you’ve never imagined possible.

Have a soup er time !!!

"THE SOUP WAVED AT ME" is available FREE in E book format. Just click HERE to download it.

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.


Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\More TFR.JPG

"MORE TIME FOR REFLECTIONS" This book contains a selection of short readings to help you when meditating or praying.

We hope you enjoy reading them.

"MORE TIME FOR REFLECTIONS" is available FREE in E book format. Just click HERE to download it.

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.


Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\ad1a.JPG

"THE ADVENTURES OF FATHER IGNATIUS" A priest’s life is not always mundane and pedestrian doing the same thing day in day out. There are times when unexpected events turn Father Ignatius’ day upside down and send him to unexpected adventures. The Adventures of Father Ignatius is a selection of short stories in the life of our lovable priest dispensing his well-intended wisdom and teaching us to love one another as Our Lord commanded.

We hope you enjoy reading them.

"THE ADVENTURES OF FATHER IGNATIUS" is available FREE in E book format. Just click HERE to download it.

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.


Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\aapriest.JPG

"GOD'S HUMBLE SERVANT" is a compilation of short fictional stories about Father Ignatius. Each story tells a tale in the life and times of the Catholic priest. The character of Father Ignatius is from the book “VISIONS” (ISBN 978 1 60477 032 2) by the same author. These stories are all stand-alone vignettes and none of them are taken from the book “VISIONS”.

We hope you enjoy reading them.

"GOD'S HUMBLE SERVANT" is available FREE in E book format. Just click HERE to download it.

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.

Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\apr07.JPG

"FATHER IGNATIUS TEACHES" is a compilation of short fictional stories about Father Ignatius. Each story tells a tale in the life and times of the lovable Catholic priest with a Christian message relevant for today. The character of Father Ignatius is from the book “VISIONS” (ISBN 978 1 60477 032 2) by the same author Victor S E Moubarak. The stories chosen here in “FATHER IGNATIUS TEACHES” are stand-alone vignettes and none of them are taken from the book “VISIONS”.

We hope you enjoy reading them.

"FATHER IGNATIUS TEACHES" is available FREE in E book format. Just click HERE to download it.

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.

Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\TheoRoseFCF.JPG

Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\theodore.jpg

"THEODORE LUXTON-JOYCE" is a lovable English eccentric from Scottish descent who lives in a world of his own. His every thought and action are motivated by genuine kindness and generosity, yet although he gives the impression that he doesn’t think things through properly, the reality is that he thinks them through all right but he does so somewhat late, with humorous consequences for those around him. This book contains a selection of short stories about Theodore Luxton-Joyce, a man born at a time when the world was a different place altogether.

We hope you enjoy reading them.

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.

"Paperback & Kindle versions of "THEODORE LUXTON-JOYCE - THE LOVEABLE ECCENTRIC"" available now . Just click HERE please.



Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\anw2.JPG

Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\no worries mate.jpg

"NO WORRIES MATE !!!" Read about good old Aunt Gertrude from Australia who came to stay with us for a (long) time. Her eccentric antics, grating loud Australian accent, and various peculiarities, hide a heart of gold with a personality to match. This book is a collection of humourous stories about Auntie Gertrude which will hopefully make you smile.

We hope you enjoy reading them.

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.

"Paperback & Kindle versions of "NO WORRIES MATE!!!"" available now . Just click HERE please.



Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\Orange Life.JPG

"LIFE - IT MAKES ME LAUGH!" is a collection of short humourous stories to bring a smile to your face.

We hope you enjoy reading them.

"LIFE - IT MAKES ME LAUGH!" is available FREE in E book format. Just click HERE to download it.

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.



Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\chucks.JPG

"A CHUCKLE A DAY" is another collection of short humourous stories to make you smile.

We hope you enjoy them.

"A CHUCKLE A DAY" is available FREE in E book format. Just click HERE to download it.

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.


Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\Golden Drops.JPG

"GOLDEN DROPS" is a compilation of stories about Father Ignatius, a character from my first book "VISIONS".

Each story tells a tale in the life of Fr Ignatius, and none of the stories are taken from "VISIONS". They are all new.

"GOLDEN DROPS" is available FREE in E book format. Just click HERE to download it.

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.


Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\Golden Droplets.JPG

"GOLDEN DROPLETS" contains a further compilation of stories about Father Ignatius for you to enjoy.

None of the stories are taken from "VISIONS". They are all new.

"GOLDEN DROPLETS" is available FREE in E book format. Just click HERE to download it.

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.


Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\TFR Card1.JPG

"TIME FOR REFLECTIONS" is a collection of writings aimed to encourage, comfort and help.

I hope and pray you find it so.

"TIME FOR REFLECTIONS" is available FREE in E book format. Just click HERE to download it.


Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\FC2.JPG

"FELINE CATASTROPHES" is a compilation of short light-hearted stories about a cat whose sole mission in life is to make his owner's life miserable. This cat is Master and King of his domain and is determined to remain always so.

Sit back, relax and follow this cat's adventures!

"KINDLE VERSION" is available . Just click HERE please.

"Paperback and Kindle versions of "FELINE CATASTROPHES"" available now . Just click HERE please.


Description: Description: Description: D:\Documents\Move\Visions 21IV18\vm8.JPG

"VICARTOONS" is a compilation of cartoons to make you smile and ... think!


"VICARTOONS" is available FREE in E book format. Just click HERE to download it.







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