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Catholic Saints and their Feast Day (not exhaustive lists).

Agatha (martyr)                                                                              5 February

Agnes (martyr)                                                                               21 January

Aloysius Gonzaga (Jesuit)                                                               21 June

Andrew (apostle)                                                                           30 November

Angela de Merici (founder of Ursuline Sisters order)                       31 May

Ann (mother of Blessed Virgin)                                                      26 July 

Anthony (of Padua - Franciscan)                                                    13 June

Augustine (bishop)                                                                         28 August

Barbara (martyr)                                                                            4 December

Benedict (monk)                                                                            21 March

Bernadette of Lourdes (saw an Apparition of Our Lady)                16 April

Bernard (of Clairvaux - monk/priest built monastery in Clairvaux)   20 August

Brigid (of Ireland - nun)                                                                 1 February

Catherine (of Alexandria - tortured on spiked wheel)                      25 November

Catherine (of Sienna - Dominican sister)                                         30 April

Cecilia (martyr)                                                                              22 November  

Charbel Makhlouf (Lebanese monk/hermit)                                    9 October

Charles Borromeo (Italian nobleman - nephew of Pope Pius IV,

priest and bishop)                                                                          4 November

Christopher (Christ bearer)                                                            25 July

Clare (also known as Clara and Claire, Franciscan nun)                 12 August

Clotilde (queen of France)                                                             3 June

Colette (Franciscan nun)                                                                6 March

Cunegunda (wife of Henry of Bavaria)

Dominic (preacher founder of Dominican priests and nuns)             4 August

Dorothy (martyr)                                                                           6 February

Edward (Confessor King of England built Westminster Abbey)      13 October

Elizabeth (queen of Hungary)                                                         19 November

Frances (of Rome, founder of order of nuns)                                  9 March

Francis de Sales (Started Visitation Order of nuns with Jane

Frances de Chantal)

Francis of Assisi (had Stigmata marks, built first Christmas crib,

founder of Franciscan order, "Make me a channel of your Peace"

prayer attributed to him)                                                                3 October               

Francis Xavier (student at University of Paris, friend of Ignatius

Loyola, became a Jesuit, missionary in India and Japan)                 3 December

Genevieve (Patroness of Paris)                                                      3 January

Gertrude (German abbess)                                                            15 November 

Gregory (the Great - Pope creator of Gregorian Chants)                12 March

Helen (British princess, Empress of Rome, mother of Constantine

the first Christian ruler of the world)                                                18 August 

Henry (German Emperor, Duke of Bavaria)                                   15 July

Ignatius (Bishop of Antioch - martyr)                                             1 February

Ignatius (of Loyola established Society of Priests and Brothers

called the Society of Jesus - Jesuits)                                               31 July

James (the Greater, apostle, martyr)                                               25 July

James (the Less, brother of Jude Thaddeus)

Jane Frances de Chantal (nun, started Visitation Order with

St Francis de Sales)                                                                       21 August

Jerome (scholar/writer - interpreted the Gospels)                            30 September

Joan of Arc (French soldier burnt at the stake)                                30 May

John (apostle - wrote the Gospel)                                                   27 December

Joseph (Jesus' earthly Father)                                                         19 March

Jude Thaddeus (apostle, author of Letter from Jude in the Bible)      28 October

Julia (North African martyr)                                                             23 May

Lawrence (Roman deacon - martyr)                                                10 August

Leo (the Great - Pope)                                                                   11 April

Louis (King of France)                                                                    25 August

Lucy (nun, martyr)                                                                          13 December 

Luke (doctor, painter, writer - wrote the Gospel and the Acts of

the Apostles, travelled with St Paul)                                                18 October

Margaret Mary (nun, saint of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)                 17 October

Martha (sister of Lazarus whom Jesus resurrected)                          29 July

Martin (bishop)                                                                              11 November

Mary (of Egypt)                                                                             9 April 

Mary Magdalen (washed Jesus' feet with her tears and wiped

them with her hair)                                                                          22 July

Matthew (tax collector, apostle, writer of Gospel)                           21 September

Michael (archangel)                                                                        29 September

Monica (mother of Saint Augustine)                                                4 May

Matilda (German queen)                                                                 14 March

Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (marked with the 5 wounds of Christ's

crucifixion)                                                                                     2 May 

Patrick (of Ireland)                                                                         17 March

Paul (apostle - writer of the epistles)                                               30 June

Peter (apostle - first Pope)                                                             29 June

Philip Neri (priest known as Apostle of Rome)                               26 May

Rita (Augustinian nun)                                                                    22 May

Robert (English monk)                                                                   7 June

Rose (of Lima, Dominican nun)                                                      30 August

Rose (of Viterbo, nun)                                                                   4 September

Scholastica (Benedict's sister, built convents)                                  10 February   

Sebastian (Roman soldier - martyr)                                                 20 January

Simeon (of Jerusalem - brother of Jude Thaddeus)

Stanislaus Kostka (Polish nobleman - Jesuit)                                    13 November

Stephen (first martyr)                                                                       26 December

Teresa (Theresa Martin from France, the Little Flower, Carmelite

nun, Patron Saint of French aviators)                                                3 October

Teresa (Great Saint - Carmelite Sister, founder of Carmelite Nuns)  15 October

Thomas Aquinas (Dominican priest)                                                 7 March

Ursula (and her companions - martyrs)                                            21 October

Veronica (of the Way of the Cross, wiped Jesus' face on His

way to the Crucifixion)                                                                    9 July

Vincent de Paul (priest)                                                                   19 July 

William (archbishop of Bourges, Cistercian monk)                           10 January

Zita (the little cook)                                                                         27 April 

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